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What is Patch Management and How does it work?

What is Patch Management

Patch management is a vital component of your companies Cyber Security defenses. Patch management is automating the process of updating the software you use on your IT network. This can be anything from the Operating System such as Windows 10 or a 3rd party software such as Sage Line 50.

Software is updated by the vendor on a regular basis to fix bugs make improvements or to patch security holes. The latter is a high priority and is what makes Patch Management so important.

How it works

When a security hole is discovered it will at some stage be reported to the vendor. Some companies even offer rewards to those who report them. The company will then release an update to patch the hole. It is then the end user’s responsibility to apply the patch in a timely fashion to ensure their systems stay safe.

You can hopefully start to understand that due to the number of different software vendors and the fact that updates can be released at any time of the day compounded by the fact updates need to be applied as soon as possible. Makes this a task best automated as much as possible.

At Johnson Technical Security we include this software as part of our Security as a Service product due to its importance and we become responsible for managing the system.

Any business serious about protecting their network should have a patch management system in place.

Contact us today if you would like to discuss your companies requirements

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